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Our Team
Katherine Johnson Chapter Co-Directors

Ishani Das
Founder & President, Chief Executive Officer
Cupertino, CA
Cupertino High School

Anusha Singhai
Chief Technology Officer
Cupertino, CA
Cupertino High School
Marie Curie Chapter Co-Directors

Arushi Chanda
Chief Marketing Officer
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School

Yuvika Mukherjee
Chief Operations Officer
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School
Grace Hopper Chapter Co-Directors

Damia Sibblies
Kingston, Jamaica
Immaculate Conception High School

Divya Krishna
Edison, NJ
Edison High School STEM Academy
Larry Page Chapter Co-Directors

Laya Babu
San Diego, CA
Canyon Crest Academy

Armaan Aggarwal
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School

Shaurya Verma
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School
Florence Nightingale Chapter Director

Nayja Shah
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School
Ada Lovelace Chapter Co-Directors

Charlotte Law
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School

Manahil Syeda
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School
Emmy Noether Chapter Director

Navya Pichika
Fremont, CA
Irvington High School

Aditi Mulaka
Fremont, CA
Irvington High School
Sundar Pichai Chapter Director
Vrishank Chandrasekhar
Marketing Director
San Jose, CA
Lynbrook High School
Ernő Rubik Chapter Director

Sohan Babu
San Ramon, CA
Windemere Ranch Middle School
Clara Barton Chapter Co-Directors

Aeshna Chatterji
Cupertino, CA
Kennedy Middle School

Param Jain
Cupertino, CA
Lynbrook High School
George Washington Carver Chapter Co-Directors

Gabria Gordon
Kingston, Jamaica
Immaculate Conception High School
Isha Goyalia
Cupertino, CA
Monta Vista High School
Former Members

Diya Meeniga
Ex-Rebecca Cole Chapter Co-Director
Dallas, TX
Woodrow Wilson High School

Varun Ajith
Ex-Marie Curie Chapter Co-Director
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School

Jayadev Ghanta
Ex-Srinivasa Ramanujan Chapter Co-Director
San Jose, CA
Lynbrook High School

Manya Dua
Ex-Rebecca Cole Chapter Co-Director
Sammamish, Washington
Eastlake High School

Arjun Arya
Ex-Albert Einstein Chapter Co-Director
San Jose, CA
Bellarmine College Prep
Ansh Chellani
Ex-Alan Turing Chapter Co-Director
Fremont, CA
Washington High School

Nirvaa Shah
Ex-Florence Nightingale Chapter Co-Director
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School

Shubham Sheth
Ex-Albert Einstein Chapter Co-Director
Milpitas, CA
Milpitas High School
Arjun Bedi
Ex-Florence Nightingale Chapter Co-Director
San Ramon, CA
Dougherty Valley High School
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