Florence Nightingale Chapter
Who was Florence Nightingale?
Florence Nightingale was a British Nurse, social reformer, and statistician. She was best known for founding modern nursing, also named the "The Lady With the Lamp." Her work in the Crimean War as a nurse inspired her to start her own nursing school; St. Thomas' Hospital. Her work significantly benefited the healthcare system into the 19th and 20th centuries. Although she passed away in 1910, her legacy and foundational work for the nursing system will always inspire people in STEM.
Who's teaching?
Led by Vachi From American High School and Meron from Jamaica, they are the Chapter Directors of the Florence Nightingale Chapter. This year they are teaching Introduction to Python.
Vachi has been a student in WLS since 2020 and Vachi and Meron started teaching in 2023. They are very excited to continue helping kids grow in their love for STEM. They are both very passionate about STEM and they enjoy coding different projects. They hope to inspire more students to join STEM.

Class Content
Oct 2021 - Dec 2021: Web Development
Oct 2020 - Jan 2021: Competitive Math Training (CMT)
Feb 2021 - Jun 2021: Web Development
Oct 2021 - Dec 2021: Web Development
Jan 2022 - June 2022: Exploring Ecosystems

2021-22 Chapter

2020-21 Chapter

2021-22 Chapter
Official WLS email - admin@welovestem.org