This past Friday, May 15, We Love STEM had a very exciting guest speaker come to class! Izzy Lapidus is a 17-year-old advocate, entrepreneur, researcher, and writer from Brooklyn, New York. Izzy works to make STEM more accessible through the arts and empowers girls to pursue future careers in STEM. Izzy is the co-founder and CEO of First Empower, a social enterprise that works to inspire and empower girls through STEM education. Izzy is also a writer for Girl Genius Magazine, where she writes about her STEM projects and her work in advocating for young women in STEM. This fall, Izzy will be attending Barnard College of Columbia University and is more than thrilled to be adding to the exceptional community of young women.
During class, we had Izzy talk about her journey of discovering STEM, and then had a Q&A session with the students. We got to learn about her astrophysics research, which she conducts under a postdoctoral astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History, and her team’s exciting discovery of a new brown dwarf. Izzy talked to us about her story, and how even when things were hard, she kept showing up, and she kept following her passions. Izzy truly inspired us all with her story of hard work and persistence, and never giving up on the things she was passionate about.
