What have we accomplished this month?
We held an extremely successful remote summer camp from July 6th-July 31st! The camp held 41 kids in total, all from different ages (mostly incoming 5th-8th graders) in California, and even out of state! Our Cupertino and San Ramon Chapter Co-Directors each created a week’s worth of material to take turns teaching. The kids had the opportunity to learn Game Development, Hands-on Math, Art with Math, and Science Experiments.
In addition, the We Love STEM Executive Team began interviewing candidates for new Chapter Directors! More information on our new leaders will be posted soon. We are excited to see WLS grow and share our knowledge by providing opportunities to younger children, especially the underprivileged. If you are interested in applying, please fill out the form under the “Join us!” tab.
Parent Feedback!
"This is a fun session. I appreciate the efforts and dedication of the teachers to create the program. I also like the variety of the sessions" -Arnab Paul, Parent
"Excellent teaching by all the instructors. Good luck for your future studies."-Deepali, Parent
What do we want to achieve next month?
In August, we plan to finalize our new Chapter Directors and get familiar with our new members through team bonding activities! Along with that, we are aiming to plan our curriculum for the 2020-21 school year and reach out to more students from different communities and backgrounds.